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Learn More About Our Sturgis, MI Auto Body Repairs

Frohriep Body Shop is famed for providing outstanding auto body repairs. Throughout Sturgis, MI, and the surrounding area, customers know they can trust us to provide honest, free estimates, work with their insurance companies, and complete repairs quickly. Our technicians are I-CAR certified and are constantly growing their skillset. The result is one of the region’s finest auto body repair shops.

Always call the police department following an accident, exchange insurance information with the other driver, then you need to call your insurance agent so the process can begin. Finally, you can see us for an estimate.

Once the insurance company approves repairs, you can expect your vehicle back within one week – depending on the damage.

We work with most insurance companies and are more than glad to help you if you plan to pay for repairs yourself.

You can have your vehicle towed directly to our shop. We pay for it because the insurance company will reimburse us.

We do not offer car rentals. However, there is a reliable car rental business down the street.

All estimates are free, and we perform them on a walk-in basis. They generally take around 15 minutes. From there, you can either give it to your insurance company yourself, or we can fax it to them.

We specialize in color matching. If it is a difficult color, our paint supplier will take a photo of the paint and tell us how to mix the correct color.

We offer a warranty as long as you own the vehicle. It covers the paint and the parts we replaced. We do not offer one for rust repair.

technician fixing car

We Have a Reputation Throughout a Vast Range

We mean it when we say we serve Sturgis, MI, and the surrounding area — our customers are from all over the place due to our reputation for excellence. We proudly help those from Sturgis, Klinger Lake, Fawn River, Burr Oak, Nottawa, Findley, Fairfax, Colon, and more. Don’t stress about your most recent car accident. Our team is here to make your life easier, repair the damage, and get you back on the road again.

Learn More About What Frohriep Can Do for You